In case you've been under a rock and missed the news that Mark Mallman  is on tour now, we're here to tell you that Mark Mallman is on tour!  Check out the Denver Post's write up of his show this weekend  wherein they use the words "glam and circumstance" and "incendiary." Hey, West Coast, he's coming your way:

11/15 - Albuquerque, NM @ Burt's Tiki Lounge
11/16 - Tucson, AZ @ Plush
11/17 - Los Angeles, CA @ Silverlake Lounge
11/18 – San Diego, CA @ Ruby Room   -early show
11/19 – Stockton, CA @ Plea for Peace Center
11/23 - Seattle, WA @ Sunset Tavern
11/24 - Portland, OR @ Doug Fir Lounge
11/27 – Lawrence, KS @ Replay
11/28 – Omaha, NE @ Waiting Room

This also happened

Right On PR